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Eröffnung: 29. Juni 2023, 17.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 29. Sept. 2023 Kunsthalle Linz, Donauradweg, 4040 Linz

Interface Cultures lädt zur Ausstellung

open 24/7

An aesthetic presentation of speculative collective imaginaries and narratives invites the audience to question the constructed nature of our shared realities and notions of truth. Further aesthetic exploration of AI tools adds a new layer of complexity, amplifying new possibilities for biases and errors that can arise from this new shared agency. "Apophenia" delves into the interstice of human-computer perception and our shared responsibility in the construction of our future collective realities, reflecting on the blurring boundaries between chaos and order, nature and culture, while embodying and celebrating our innate fascination and yearning to understand and make sense of the world around us.

AI Content: Miguel Rangil (ES)
Virtual Space: Till Schönewetter (DE), Ghazal Hosseini (IR)
Sound Design: Emma Tripaldi (IT)
Communication: Alessia Fallica (IT), Martina Pizzigoni (IT)
Production: Behiye Erdemir (TR) & Hanif Haghtalab (IR)
Team: Ahmed Jamal (EGY), Aizhan Saganayeva (KZ), Danielius Marius Šermukšnis (LT), Ghazal Hosseini (IR), Rene Preuer (AT), Salma Aly (EGY), Sofia Talanti (IT), Volkan Dinçer (TR), Curator: Fabricio Lamoncha (ES)