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"dinner", 2019, Foto: © Bildhauerei - transmdialer Raum

dinner as artwork
dinner as network
dinner as intimate space

curating is like a dinner?
is a dinner like curating?

Last Night we had a wonderful Dinner with wonderful guests. Thank you so much for coming and Thank you Liesl Raff for the lecture. After three days of intense work we were able to arrange a beautiful set of objects on the table.

Fotos © Bildhauerei - transmdialer Raum

Alexandra Kahl, Tina Grasegger, Jan Weiler, Camille Holowka, Benny Thiele, Lotte Vrancken, Rainer Grilberger, Botond Kelemen, Clara Boesl, Veronika Harb, Amanda Burzic

Performance/ Installationen, 2019
Bildende Kunst / Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum