Since the academic year of 2021/2022, Co.Lab Acoustic Ecology at the University of Arts Linz has been offering a unique range of courses for students of all disciplines.
courses summer semester 2023.pdf
It is the first step on the way to establishing the University of Arts Linz as an excellent place of acoustic research and teaching.
Acoustic ecology traces back to Canadian sound researcher R. Murray Schafer. Through a holistic (systemic) approach, it takes account of the increasing importance of acoustic problems in society (cue: acoustic turn). It considers sound a resource, a base material of human interrelation. Talking, listening, balance, orientation and warning of danger are basic human needs.
The acoustic environment (soundscape) is a space of politics, order and power relationships (thus, i. a., identity-establishing). Soundscapes affect us in many different ways, making our acoustic environment a field of ecology, just like other areas of the human-environment relationship.
Co.Lab Acoustic Ecology imparts a new, expanded idea of space. It aims to facilitate a new kind of analytical and creative competence in areas such as education, media and arts – with hearing (Greek ἀκούειν/akoyein: to listen) as a creative act forming the starting point (instead of the production of sound).
The range of courses addresses all programmes of the four university institutes: Fine Arts and Cultural Studies; Art and Education (Teacher Training Programmes); Media; Space and Design.
The acoustic environment needs shaping.
The University of Arts can shape and communicate.
The Co.Lab Acoustic Ecology was conceived and developed by Peter Androsch and Gitti Vasicek. It is a part of the Department of Time-Based Media.