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AKG - Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen

What does akg (Working Group on Equal Opportunities) stand for?


  • Gender equality and equal participation in science, education, career, art and society.
  • Increase in the proportion of women, especially in leadership positions, through the advancement of women
  • Increasing the proportion of people with a migration history among employees and students at the University of Art and Design Linz
  • Increased implementation of gender studies, postcolonial studies and queer studies
  • Transparent, fair and legally compliant personnel admission procedures
  • Use of gender-appropriate and non-discriminatory language

Against what does the akg avdocate?


  • against discrimination based on gender, origin, nationality, religious affiliation, state of health, age or sexual orientation.
  • against racism and exclusion of minorities
  • against sexual and gender-specific harassment, against sexualized violence
  • against verbal discouragement
  • against the use of stereotypes

When do I contact the akg? 


  • on issues of equality and the advancement of women
  • in cases of discrimination based on gender, origin, religion, ideology, age or sexual orientation
  • in cases of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexualized violence
  • iin the case of mobbing on the basis of one of the above-mentioned discrimination offenses

How does akg take action?

A person affected by discrimination can contact the working group and have a consultative conversation either with an individual member or with the entire working group.

Any requests and complaints brought to the working group are, of course, treated confidentially and, if desired, anonymously. All people involved are bound to confidentiality.

Possible further steps:

  • Mediation with the people involved and/or with the superiors.
  • Referral to other internal and external counseling bodies
  • Appeal against a personnel decision to the responsible body
  • Appeal to the arbitration commission (Schiedskommission)
  • Request for an expert opinion from the Federal Equal Treatment Commission (in case of discrimination in context with the employment by the federal government)
Anonymous Contact Form:

Univ.Prof.in Dr.phil. Angela Koch

Deputy Chair
Mag.aiur. Karina Koller
Univ. Prof.in Mag.aart. Manuela Naveau PhD

T: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 473

Kunstuniversität Linz
Arbeitskreis für
Domgasse 1, 4. OG
4010 Linz | Austria