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Art and Design Summer Festival © Art and Design


Teacher training program in the Central Cluster - Linz/Salzburg

The Master's degree course (4 semesters) in Visual Arts Education provides training in art, subject-specific science and didactics, pedagogy and science, educational science and school practice for secondary and higher schools. A teaching qualification for the subject of visual education can only be obtained with the successful completion of a Bachelor's and Master's degree in the respective subject.

The course is based on the current state of development of the arts as well as the state of research in the sciences involved. It refers to the curricula of secondary schools and the general and holistic educational goals contained therein. Students are aware of developments in art, culture and society and play an active role in shaping them. Graduates have an inclusive attitude and are able to make productive use of the diversity of skills, knowledge and attitudes of learners in their work.

The curriculum takes into account the fact that factual knowledge is accessible and retrievable at any time today. Students therefore acquire orientation knowledge and understand education not as a possession, but as a process and practice. They actively participate in the professional community and contribute to the subject as a learning system (exchange of knowledge and experience).
(cf. Curriculum Master's degree program in Teacher Education, Secondary Level (General Education), Development Network "Cluster Mitte", 2016)


The Master's degree program in Visual Education (subject-specific part) consists of five modules: Subject didactics, subject science, independent artistic project in the first year Master's internship and Master's thesis in the second year.


The educational science and practical pedagogical training is offered and coordinated by the PPS Center (Center for Practical Pedagogical Studies).

In a very personal atmosphere, which is characterized by small course groups and individual support from the teaching staff, the University of Art and Design Linz offers a very practical course of study.

Teaching in the subject-specific sciences, subject-specific didactics and artistic practice is characterized by an intensive examination of theoretical, artistic-creative and pedagogical content, which can be deepened in numerous in-house events such as theoretical-scientific discussions, symposia, specialist conferences, further and advanced training. The well-equipped workshops and laboratories, which are freely accessible to students, provide comprehensive scope for action and experience for their own artistic work. The University of Art's KinderKreativUni offers an additional field of qualification in the area of creativity education for children and young people.

Teacher training students can attend courses from the wide range of courses offered by other departments at the University of Art (e.g. architecture, industrial design, fine arts, robotics, etc.) and set individual priorities. In addition, students can take part in courses offered by all partner organizations in the Central Cluster. Cooperation with local cultural institutions provides insights into and opportunities to participate in their work in the fields of art, culture and education. The student exchange programs offer the opportunity to study at art universities worldwide.

Students study, cook and celebrate together in the common rooms, which are freely available to them.


Prof. MMag. Jutta Strohmaier

Deputy Head

A.Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Wolfgang Schreibelmayr


T: +43 732 7898 2464

University of Arts Linz
Department of Art and Visual Practice
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd floor
4020 Linz | Austria

Institute Office

Mag.phil. Eva-Maria Unterweger
T: +43 732 7898 2464 
M: +43 676 84 7898 382


Institute for Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd floor, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria


Central media workshop (video editing suites, video studio, photo studio, darkrooms, recording studio and equipment rental)
Courses Lists