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Experimental art

The experimental art curriculum focuses on strategies of artistic production and its realization rather than on a single medium or a clearly defined artistic outcome.
The focus is on a variety of media, including video, photography, film, sound, drawing, performance and computer-based techniques.
If you haven't guessed by now, this curriculum is open to ... (with drum roll) ... Experimentation.
Creativity and curiosity should develop in the field of tension between cultural, scientific, socio-critical and technical discourses as well as individual perception.
By experimenting and operating between these discourses, unexpected insights and hopefully unconventional results can be achieved.
The experimental art curriculum is an artistic laboratory for creative freedom.


Univ.-Prof. MMag. Anna Jermolaewa


T: +43 (0) 732 7898  2436

Kunstuniversität Linz
Department of Experimental Art
Domgasse 1
4020 Linz | Austria

"ICH KANN NICHT MEHR.2", exhibition of experimentalists, Fluc, Vienna, 2022; Photo: Luzia Stempfer /Emily Ramharter
Anja Korherr: "Fortgeh- Träume", excerpt from the comic "Fluss", Billboard Fluc, 2022; Photo: Martin Wagner
Sarah Maria Schmidt: " 03_03_12 " Digital photos, stickers 2012, drawings, billboard, Fluc, 2022; Photocredits: Sarah Maria Schmidt
"Court", performance/video installation, Die Experimentelle, Landesgalerie Linz, 2019; Photo: Dimitrios Vellis/Marianne; "Court", performance/video installation, Die Experimentelle,
Landesgalerie Linz, 2019; Photo: Dimitrios Vellis / Marianne Pührerfellner
"Longing. Narratives of moments of my journey around the world" Sculpture/ installation on the salon ship Florentine, Diotima Fischer, 2020; Photo: Marlene Hausegger
Ruth Größwang, Susanna Melem, Severin Standhartinger "Am Taubenschlag" sound performance, 2022; Photo: Anna Jermolaewa
Pia Mayrwöger:Diploma, Postcity Linz, 2021; Photo: Marlene Hausegger
David Kapl: "Bike-kitchen", installation, 2021; Photo: Marlene Hausegger
Installation view by Mimi Neitsch as part of the LV by Leo Schatzl on the Donaulände in Urfahr. Photo: Marlene Hausegger
Prof. Anna Jermolaewa with "Putin Scarecrow", final presentation of the semester on the ÖBB meadow, 2021