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Legal Basis

The Working Group for Equal Opportunities is a collegial body established in accordance with §42 of the University Act 2002. The task of this body is to counteract discrimination by university bodies and advising members and bodies of the university on equal opportunities issues.

In cases of discrimination on the basis of gender, background, religion, belief, age or sexual orientation it offers information, confidential advice and support to students, administrative and academic staff.

The Working Group for Equal Opportunites must intervene in case of a justified suspicion of discrimination, e.g. in the context of a personnel decision. According to the statutes of the University of Art and Industrial Design, the working group has 12 members (including 4 substitute members). The members are delegated by the Senate for a period of three years. The working group has equal representation, i.e. students, artistic-scientific staff, professors and general administrative staff.

In order to execute its tasks, the working group has the right to information in all internal university matters and controls all personnel selection procedures of the university. Its members act independently and without instructions and are subject to confidentiality. The rights and duties of the working group result from §42 UG 2002, the Frauenförderungsplan (Women's Advancement Plan) (esp. §§52 ff) and the Satzung der Kunstuniversität Linz (Statutes of the University of Art and Industrial Design), as well as the Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Federal Equal Treatment Act).

Univ.Prof.in Dr.phil. Angela Koch

Deputy Chair
Mag.aiur. Karina Koller
Univ. Prof.in Mag.aart. Manuela Naveau PhD

T: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 473

Kunstuniversität Linz
Arbeitskreis für
Domgasse 1, 4. OG
4010 Linz | Austria