zum Inhalt

Prerequisites & Registration

In addition to general university entrance qualification (secondary school-leaving examination “Matura”) and specific university entrance qualification (descriptive geometry; credit can be acquired in the course of the programme), participation in the bachelor programme Architecture is contingent on artistic/design aptitude, which must be demonstrated in a two- to three-day oral and written admission examination before a board of examiners.
In the first part of the examination, the prospective students present and expound on their own artistic work in the field within the context of an admission interview. The examiners grade the quality of the concepts submitted, the presentation of these samples and the student’s manner of communicating his/her ideas.
The second part, an on-site work on a set topic, explores the candidates’ artistic and conceptual articulation skills and their awareness of the problems of architecture on the basis of a specific task (text, freehand drawing, etc.) and moreover tests their talent for spatial and networked thinking by charging them to develop an architectural design.

Sigi Atteneder
assoz.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr.

Studyadministration for the
BA and MA Study in Architektur
Univ.Prof. DI Michael Zinner, PhD
M: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 243
no admission advice

Studyadministration for BASEhabitat
Univ.Ass. DI Ulrike Schwantner
T: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 293

Contact BASEhabitat