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Programme objectives

The objective of the programme lies in providing students with broad and comprehensive artistic, design-related, cultural, technical and theoretical competencies to enable them to find their way around the complex field of communication and media design. The students’ design and media competence in dealing with a wide variety of different cultural and professional environments is to help them in the development of effective visualisation strategies. To be able to participate actively in shared-task processes, students need to evolve their capacity to communicate and work within a team. A central goal for all study areas and modules of the programme is to attain a sound balance of technical and design training on the one hand and theoretical reflection on the other hand, thus making for an in-depth, artistic and application-oriented curriculum complemented by creative, technical and theoretical training.

Programme structure

The bachelor programme Graphic Design and Photography at Kunstuniversität Linz comprises 6 semesters and is equivalent to a total of 180 ECTS points (or credits). The programme is composed of separate modules of one semester’s duration each. The contents of one module may be covered by one or several courses or classes. Within one module, the contents are taught with an eye to the mutual interdependencies of design, technology and theory/reflection. However, contents and thematic issues are to be interlinked across modules as well.

In the first semester, which does not contain optional courses, students are given an overview of, and introduction to, all relevant areas of the programme.

Later on, the programme comprises the modules “Project with individual focus” and “Project with individual focus/bachelor thesis” to enable students to choose an individual orientation in their studies.
The following focuses are available: Graphic Design, Photography in the Media, Analog and Digital Processes.


Univ.Prof. Tina Frank


Department Visual Communication
T: +43 (0) 732 7898 2311

Study adminstration
Anna Artaker

University of Art and Design Linz
Department of Visual Communication
Hauptplatz 8
4020 Linz | Austria