Opening: Feb. 7, 2024, 7 p.m.; exhibition until March 22, 2024 afo architekturforum oberösterreich, Herbert-Bayer-Platz 1, 4020 Linz
Exhibition participation by Gaia Tovaglia, Master student at raum&designstrategien.
In 2030, 2.5 billion women will live and work in cities. And in cities that in the vast majority of cases were planned and built by men. This raises the urgent question: How much femininity will the city of tomorrow offer? To what extent will the city of the future be tailored to the wishes and needs of all of us? And what role will female architects, urban planners and urban designers play in this? The exhibition brings 18 female architects, urban planners, urban designers, landscape architects and artists from all over the world before the curtain, complemented by representatives from Upper Austria.
Complementary to Frauen Bauen Stadt, students from the University of Art and Design Linz are exploring queer and feminist coexistences in space. The starting point is the ecofeminism of the 1970s and current concepts that no longer differentiate between ways of life, nature and the built environment. The works reflect existing inequalities or refer to utopian spaces and the coexistence between men and women, humans and animals, living beings and the earth.
With contributions by Isa Bongers, Carlotta Röll, Eva-Maria Siegler, Jannis Holzbrink and Maja Link, Julia Freudenberg, Paige Michutka and Saskia Kamrad as well as Gaia Tovaglia.