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IT-Services for Employees

On this page you can find various different links and information for employees of the University of Art and Design.

Login credentials
For many IT-services you can use the UFGonline-login, some specific services do have different logins.
»Overview of the various logins

Campus-Management system - UFGonline
»About UFGonline  ►Access: https://ufgonline.ufg.at

eMail - Microsoft Exchange
The primary communication channel within the university.
►Access for employees: https://owa.kunstuni-linz.at
►Access for lecturers: https://sts.kunstuni-linz.at
»About eMail

Wi-Fi (WLAN): "KUni Linz"
Login = the same as for UFGonline
If you need Wi-Fi access for guests or an event, please contact it.helpdesk@kunstuni-linz.at.

Wi-Fi (WLAN) "eduroam"
Username = p<employee number>@ufg.at
Password = the same as for UFGonline

»About WLAN

Online salary certificates - EIS UniPers - Portal Austria
»About Portal Austria  ►Access: www.portal.at

Timekeeping, timereports, vacation requests - SIS
►Access: https://zeiterfassung.kunstuni-linz.at
The IT-Department only operates the server, for any contentual questions regarding your employment, working hours, leave of absence etc. contact the Personnel Departement.

Data storage - network drives & FilR
»About data storage

Send large files - ACOnet Filesender
»About FileSender  ►Access: https://filesender.aco.net

Printing - iPrint
Network printers are managed via "Micro Focus iPrint" »About printing
►Zugriff: https://iprint3.ufg.at/ipp

Online meetings & videoconferences
»About online meetings
System “Cisco Webex” ►Access: https://kuni-linz.webex.com

IP-telephony (VoIP) - Cisco Webex
Telephony services are integrated with Cisco Webex. For new extension numbers or takeover of existing numbers: Economic Departement
For First Level support please contact telefonzentrale@kunstuni-linz.at

Teamwork - teams.ufg.at (Vibe)
For coordination and collaboration. »About teams.ufg.at
►Access: https://teams.ufg.at

Remote Access and Maintenance
The IT department uses ZenWorks or Webex Support for remote maintenance. If you have further questions, please contact it.helpdesk@kunstuni-linz.at