The historical town of Haslach an der Muehl is situated in Austria on the borders of Germany and the Czech Republic. It is renowned for its tradition in linen weaving. Directly in the town centre is the former company of Vonwiller, an architectural landmark of Haslach, which in the past employed hundreds of people and significantly influenced the whole economic and social life of the 3000 inhabitants.
When the factory was forced to close in 1999, the local council bought the dilapidated buildings. In recent years, with the help of national and European funding, the extensive factory site has been revitalized. Today, this building is home to the Textile Centre Haslach where the Textile Museum can be found. It also houses studios and workshops along with other textile companies. The weaving machines from the now closed down Textile College can also be found here, ready to be used by the next generation of textile experts.
em. O.Univ. Prof. Margareta Petrascheck-Persson
Conception und Strategy Christina. Leitner
Martina Lehner
Kunstuniversität Linz
Hauptplatz 8
4020 Linz | Austria
und Textile Centre Haslach
Phone: +43 (0)7289 72300