Beginn des PhD-Programms / Start of the PhD-Program:
SS 2021
Betreuung / Supervision:
Karin Harrasser
Dorothée King (ECAM; HGK FHNW in Basel)
The PhD project Head in the Cloud addresses cultural narratives of the immateriality of digital infrastructures (especially the Internet) and the material realities that confront them. The gap between these two facets of digitality serves as the starting point for the investigation, which asks about the interaction between language, imagination, and infrastructural reality: To what extent do globally dominant narratives such as that of the Cloud influence local infrastructure projects? And in what way do local realities, concepts, metaphors, and stories in turn determine the development of computer networks?
Kurz-Biographie / Short Bio:
Vanessa Graf (she/her) is a writer and researcher at the Critical Media Lab Basel, where she is working on her PhD project as part of the MAKE/SENSE graduate school. She holds a Bachelor in Political Science from SciencesPo Paris and a Master in Media and Culture Studies from the University of Arts Linz. Currently, she is supplementing her research with a Bachelor in Biology (ongoing) at the University of Salzburg. In her research, she is interested in the interactions of (digital) technology with culture and ecology, in particular as mediated by narratives, metaphors, and sociotechnical imaginaries.
Email-Adresse / Email-Address: