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Crafting Futures: Growing Together

Ausstellung: 9. bis 13. Sept. 2020, Workshop 10. und 12. Sept. 2020 Hauptplatz 6, EG

Die Abteilung Gestaltung:Technik.Textil ist 2020 erstmals mit einem Ausstellungs- und Workshopprogramm beim Ars Electronics Festival vertreten.

Crafting Futures shows works by students of the bachelor course Design:Tech.Tex, teachers training for technical and textile works, which were created during the last year. The focus is on the active examination of questions concerning the future of craft, the craft of the future and the crafting of futures.

The individual works objectify in many ways the merging of various approaches, materials and techniques – topics that currently play an important role, especially in the study and school subject of handicrafts. The areas of technical and textile craftsmanship, which used to be taught separately, are being merged into a new subject, thus breaking down long-standing boundaries. This both demands and encourages a new and future-oriented conception, practice and reflection on design and its communication.

Within the framework of the degree course Design:Tech.Texthis challenge is seen as an opportunity. The research and creative examination of traditional craftsmanship in the context of new, digital technologies plays an important role in order to work constructively and productively across (material) boundaries.

In this context, the development of independent artistic and creative works is the starting point for weaving theories, practices, and mediation together in ever new ways.

Participants: Robert Angerer, Yara Bartel, Lisa Benedikt, Alexander Grabner, Michaela Haager, Lisa Hametner, Sofie Lüftinger, Tamara Lang, Johanna Pichlbauer, Hannah Perner-Wilson, Neriman Polat, Isabel Prade, Andreas Schmied, Alessandra Steiner

Department Design:Tech.Tex: Ingrid Hackl, Astrid Young and Irene Posch

Crafting Futures: Grolwing Together
Öffnungszeiten: 12.00 bis 20.00 Uhr

Drop-in Workshops: The Sound of Tea
Worksop-Zeiten: 15.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Im Ars Electronica Center werden zusätzlich die Ergebnisse des Projekts Märchen, Mythen und Materie gezeigt.